Business Intelligence, Hospitality

Sourcing feedback from clients and guests

As a business owner or manager, feedback can provide valuable insights to enhance customer satisfaction. Feedback is a critical element of the performance review process. It isn’t just about knowing what went wrong; it’s about understanding what went right and how to replicate and amplify those moments.


Why Is Customer Feedback Important?


No matter how meticulously you design your product or service, customers often notice things you might miss. Their feedback offers fresh perspectives, uncovering flaws that internal audits may overlook. Furthermore, collecting feedback helps you manage your brand’s reputation and build trust. Customers know that you are committed to giving them the best experience.


Let’s explore effective strategies for sourcing feedback and making the most of it.


Effective Ways to Source Feedback:

  • Create Multiple Channels for Feedback: Offer various channels for guests to share their thoughts, such as comment cards, online surveys, or suggestion boxes. After providing a service, send personalised follow-up emails asking for feedback. Make it easy for them to share their thoughts.
  • Social Listening: Monitor social media platforms to understand how customers discuss your brand. Engage with their comments and address concerns promptly.
  • Customer Interviews: Conduct one-on-one interviews with select clients or guests. Ask targeted questions to glean actionable insights. Instead of generic inquiries like, “How was your stay?” ask about specific aspects such as cleanliness, staff friendliness, or the quality of amenities.
  • Incentives: Encourage participation by offering incentives, such as discounts or small rewards for providing feedback.


When guests provide feedback, acknowledge and appreciate them regardless of the nature of their comments. A simple thank you note or a small token of appreciation can go a long way in fostering goodwill. And most importantly, take action. Use the insights gathered to identify areas for improvement, implement necessary changes promptly and communicate these changes to your guests. This shows them that you value their feedback enough to act on it.

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